Bicycle Accident Legal Defender

Bicycle accidents can result in –severe –even fatal injuries. Lawsuits to claim damages for bicycle accidents resulting in physical injuries involve experience of proper law. Bike accident injuries liability is often associated with negligence, whether another party causes the cyclist’s physical damage or whether any negligence by the cyclist contributed to the crash. Protect your rights, call a bicycle accidents attorney.

Bicycle Accident Attorney in Goodlettsville TN

See also: File A Serious Injury Claim

A Bicycle Accident Attorney in Goodlettsville, TN Can Help With These Claims:

Head Injury
This type of injury can happen when a cyclist is thrown over the handlebars and has no control over where they land. Bicycle riders can help minimize, if not eliminate, head injuries by wearing helmets. Head injuries vary in severity from scrapes and bumps and may even lead to skull fractures, which could result in brain damage.

Facial Injury
Typical facial injuries because of bike accidents can include eye injuries, broken jaw, broken nose, broken teeth or extreme scarring that can last a lifetime depending on the damage.

Broken Bones and Fractures
The arms, shoulders, legs, neck, hip, back and almost any bone in the body could be at risk and may suffer a fracture as a result of the bike accident. Broken bones could lead to long-term treatment, rehabilitation, therapy, and recovery.

Related topics: Back Injury Attorney

Medical Treatment
Following an accident, it’s important to assess yourself for any injuries. Seek medical treatment right away and ensure you are fully examined by a physician.

Gathering of Information
The traffic enforcer or police officer in charge or traffic enforcer will require a statement from you to document the incident. Do your best to ensure your side of the story is included in the report because it will help you with any problems you may encounter when it comes to legal actions if necessary. Make sure you state all of your injuries whether major or minor and always remember that minor injuries may lead to major injuries.

Immediate Filing of Claims
If you need to make a claim for your accident, it is better to submit a claim form immediately with accurate and precise details of the crash, including any information that supports your claim, such as photographs of the surrounding area where the incident took place, witnesses’ reports and any documents that prove you have an involvement in the accident.

Incident Lawyer
To help you with legal actions connected to your claim, Tim L. Bowden Attorney at Law will use his experience in giving you proper and appropriate advice on how to proceed. The legal expertise and professionalism we provide to our clients is a pro-active and winning service. So if you happen to be involved in an accident, call Tim L. Bowden today for a bicycle accident attorney or a personal injury attorney in Goodlettsville, TN.